Having run the first four installments of the Jazz Half Marathon, I’m excited to once again be a part of this year’s event. Speaking from experience, there’s numerous highlights of the course that will make all the miles runners have logged up to this point worth it; however, to stick with the numeric theme of the race, I’ll limit my list to five.

The best part of the race is the fact that it has always benefitted the Cancer Program at Children’s Hospital. An uptown institution for decades, Children’s Hospital is the go-to location for area parents to bring their kids when medical needs arise. Knowing many friends who have had the hospital touch them in some way, it’s a great organization to give back to. The Cancer Program specifically treats malignancies and blood disorders in area youth. Check out more info on the program HERE.
2) You’re A TV Star

3) Double the Fun

4) It’s a Zoo Out There
A break in the middle of the out-and-back on St. Charles Avenue comes when runners get to loop the smooth asphalt path of Audubon Park. Scenery on this part of the course includes a good view of the front gates of Audubon Zoo, multiple water stops, and various unaware morning joggers looking at you with a face full of confusion. Also, take advantage of the shade provided by the graceful oaks of the park as they give respite from the rising sun. Once you run out of the park, you’ll have it shining in your eyes for nearly 4 miles to the finish.
5) Time to Party
The finish line of the Jazz Half Marathon continues to be on Camp Street at Lafayette Square. As a reward for completing the race, runners are treated to local delicacies that in the past have included jambalaya, soft drinks, and copious amounts of beer. My favorite post race delicacy is at this race every year, because one of the sponsors is Blue Bell Ice Cream. They pass out frozen fudge ice cream bars and fruit bars to participants. If you want to meet up after the race, feel free to stalk the Blue Bell trailer. I’ll hit it at least twice, and not make any apologies.
Best of luck to everyone who will be out there for the fifth annual Jazz Half Marathon. Whether it’s your first 5K / 13.1, or if you’ve completed every Jazz Half that’s ever been, know that you’re getting to take in the best of what NOLA’s running community has to offer. Should you be a member of that latter group and you have other highlights that you think I missed, be sure to leave them in the comment section below.
Late registration is still available to participate in both the half marathon and 5K. To get more information, visit the official race website at www.JazzHalf.com
I'm really going to miss this race this year. I wish they hadn't moved it up to mid-October. The good news about St. Charles is that parts of it have been repaved in recent years (which I'm sure you know from previous races that follow the same course) so it shouldn't be too bad. Just be aware that the street is cambered. It never bothered me until last year's race, when I had been dealing with some IT band issues on my right side. I absolutely love this course for the spectators and getting to see friends not once, but twice on the course. It's also fun to watch the lead runners fly down the opposite side of the street. But most of all, I've loved participating in this race because of the ties with Children's. That hospital has done great things for the children in a few families I know and I'm always glad to support them. Have a fun race this weekend. I'll be cheering from AZ!
ReplyDeleteYes Katherine, you're right. There is a gradient on the street, and can get to runners with any ITB / knee issues. I'd suggest hugging the curb closest to the median as much as possible. This is where it seems to be the most level and least abrasive. You're also spot on with the course and great cause it benefits. You'll be missed this year at the finish. I'll have an extra fudge bar in your honor.